Spiritual Formation

What is Sin

What is sin?

Sin, by the dictionary definition, is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. Biblically, sin is when a person does anything that is out of line with the perfect character and direction of God.

Who is the serpent?

The serpent in Genesis 3 is the tempter. He convinced Eve to act in opposition to God. This character matches that of a being known as Satan, an opposer of God. Throughout scripture we see Satan and his followers deceive and destroy God’s creation. Jesus and his apostles warn us time and time again to resist Satan (also known as the Devil) as to not fall into the same trap as Eve.

(References: 2 Corinthians 11:3 | 1 John 3:8 | John 8:44)‍

Sin causes a separation between humans and God. God is holy and perfect in every way. When we act out of line with His nature, we create a divide between us and our Creator.

Because God so loved the world, He had a plan to save us from our sin.‍

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Throughout the entire Bible, we see this salvation plan in motion. Before Jesus ever entered the world, God made Himself known to people and time and time again revealed His desire to be close to us.

He did this most often through the Israelites, known as His chosen people because it was through them that God intended to show the rest of the world what it looks like to be close to Him. Through them, He would send a savior into the world.

Because of Jesus, God’s one and only Son, we now have a way to be rid of our sins and draw close to God. Jesus gave his life once for all – taking our place and inviting us to live according to the way of his kingdom here on earth.

Why did Jesus need to die for my sin?‍

Romans 6:23 teaches us that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Every one of us has sinned. The consequence or payment for that sin is death or eternal separation from God. Why? Because God and sin can’t coexist – sin goes against His very nature.

Since we have all sinned, we all deserve to be separated from God forever. The wage of death has to be paid. Jesus came to earth to pay that price. He took the punishment we deserve on himself. He was beaten, bruised, nailed to a cross and killed on our behalf.

In doing this, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies about the one who would suffer on behalf of humanity. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

Jesus paid it all so that we can have it all. Jesus died the death that we deserve so that we could receive eternal life.

How did Jesus overcome sin?‍

Jesus came into the world, faced all the same temptations that we do, yet never sinned. His innocence made him worthy to be the perfect sacrifice. If Jesus didn’t live a perfect, sinless life, there would be no sacrifice to pay the debt that separated us from God. Because of Jesus’ blood that was shed for us, all of our sins, past, present, and future, are forgiven.

But Jesus did not only die on the cross, he conquered death by coming back to life. After three days in the grave, he resurrected from the dead. Jesus defied all the power and logic of death, making a way for you to live eternally.

Why do I accept the gift rather than earn it?‍

The truth is, we are saved because of Jesus’ actions, not our own. In fact, there is nothing you could ever do to earn your salvation. Even on your best days, you still sin. We needed a perfect savior to die on our behalf and grant us salvation as a gift, because we could never have earned it on our own.‍

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

No matter how often you attend church, how many days you read your Bible, or how nice you are to people, those things will never get you into Heaven.

‍Your salvation is secured because of Jesus and Jesus alone.

There is nothing that you could ever do that will make God love you more, and there is nothing that you have ever done that has made God love you any less.

Once you are saved you become a child of God, and when God the Father looks at you He doesn’t see your sin or mistakes, He sees Jesus. Because of God’s grace you have been saved, and there is no sin that is too much for God to forgive. He has already forgiven all sins because of Jesus.

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